Vikings Season 4 Update

  • Würde mich freuen wenn ihr die vierte Staffel aktualisieren könntet.

    Das sind die Releases:


  • Schonmal Danke für die zweite Hälfte.
    Aber könntet ihr die erste Hälfte vielleicht noch durch die Internals ersetzen?

    Aus der NFO:
    1) Those are the same Extended versions as on our non-internals.
    Differences in runtimes are due to inclusion/omitting of "Previously On" parts between the discs.
    2) Internal is to provide an homogeneous set for the entire season from Fox releases.
    The source used for the first part was from a different studio.
    It did not have any subs (other than hardcoded English subs for non-English parts) and only AC3 448k.
    This set offers a plethora of subtitles and DTS audio, video also seems marginally better on the Fox discs.
