• Hello.
    I try for a year, and maybe two... or it is more to download already these series as DVDRip.

    The list of series which I wait... also I want to download

    Often I come, I look that load on different exchangers, but always links beaten. it is simply intolerable already.

    Upload please series, on any exchangers (if only it was possible to download free of charge, how many to wait or parts - it isn't important).
    Or at the worst, distribute through a torrent, doesn't suffice simply for a full collection.

    And very much I love series, and there is a strong wish to look at all in one quality.

    Very much I hope for your help.

  • Hello,

    The form ensures that all important information are shared and also in a way that is easily accessible. Therefore this board uses a standardized form.
    For example your post is missing the name of the uploader and also if you tried all available mirrors, etc .

    All the best

  • Hello,

    The form ensures that all important information are shared and also in a way that is easily accessible. Therefore this board uses a standardized form.
    For example your post is missing the name of the uploader and also if you tried all available mirrors, etc .

    All the best


    Well, I will try to fill as is specified in the reference. but I am afraid that it will take a lot of time.

  • There too all links beaten...
    And here if I make everything on that the table... that a floor of day I will carry out behind this process, since there different data on each file.
    I think that if will want to upload - that will upload.
    I after all specified a problem, specified that it is necessary to upload (I gave concrete and exact names of files)