Endeavour (The Origins of Inspector Morse) > Achtung

  • ich habe den Pilotfilm das mit Vergnügen gesehen und es wird hoffentlich weitergehen, aber wenn Du lieber Uploader diesen Film für uns freundlicher weise bereitstellst, dann achte bitte darauf die TV Version zu verwenden :-)
    und nicht die gekürzte DVD.

    Endeavour (The Origins of Inspector Morse) [DVD] (DVD)

    I watched this on the TV and it was very good - just like watching Morse work out the twists of the case. When I bought the DVD and watched it, I was shocked to see that parts of it were missing.

    1. Dempsey developing photographs in a darkroom.
    2. Crisp's daugher going to the car showroom to see the mechanic.
    3 Morse and Thursay breaking into the large house and meeting Dempsey.
    4. After Morse gave Crisp his resignation letter, the Sargent was talking to Morse in the corridor and said he done him a favour getting tranfered to Vice.
    5. Dempsey taking a photograph of Morse.
    6 Dempsey watching the Minister's house.
    7 Dempsey giving the Minister the ultimatum to sign the resignation letter or get shot.

    This all explained how the girl got the Minister's phone number on her hand and how he paid the consequences for his involvement in the sex party with underage girls.

    This DVD shows that, in the 1960s, it was ok for politicians to have sex with Minors and get away with it, while the verison aired on TV clearly showed him paying the consequences.

    Although not vital to the primary storyline, these ommisions leave unanswered questions and remove an importsnt sub-plot.