Naja, warten wirs erstmal ab - zumal RS auch auf die Konkurrenz schaut bzw. schauen muss. Evtl. wird dann doch wieder einiges 'gelockert' in Bezug auf Prämien und Gutscheine. Habe erst heute Morgen ne Mail von Filefactory bekommen, die sehr erfreulich klang:
Newsflash! New FileFactory Rewards program coming soon!
We have been busy designing a brand new FileFactory Rewards program which we hope to make live on December 1 2009. Full details will be announced then, but in the meantime we wanted to give you some basic information on the changes.
We have listened to your feedback on our current Rewards system and have decided to launch a totally new system which we hope will exceed your expectations!
Earn more money with our higher rates
We've revamped our model so you will be able to earn a lot more, particularly if you use FileFactory as your exclusive host. If you generate more subscription sales from the files in your account you automatically move up the ranks and achieve higher and higher payment rates.
More supported countries makes it easier to generate more Rewards
Instead of having the highest payment level for downloads from the USA only we will now be giving the same high rates for most countries throughout the world. We will be paying Rewards for more countries than any other site!
Introduce new affiliates and earn 20% of their earnings
Help your friends earn money with FileFactory and you will earn 20% of everything they earn! Help spread the word about FileFactory Rewards and you could soon double or triple your earnings.
Additional payment methods lets you spend your money in more places
We're exploring alternative payment methods so you can spend your earnings in more places. Of course we will still support PayPal, but we have some other ideas lined up too.
Da FF (btw genauso wie NL) die Kunden nicht wochen- und monatelang wie RS warten lässt, bis Auszahlungen erfolgen und diese nun auch noch steigen werden, gibt es wieder einen Grund mehr, RS abzuschwören. Blöd ist halt nur, dass es bei FF nur 1GB Platz gibt, der bei mir auch schon voll ist.. Aber da lohnt sich dann auch ein 2. Account